Social Services


Herkimer County’s weekly local share for Medicaid for the week ending January 1, 2025, is $257,404. Herkimer County’s 2025 year to date local share total for Medicaid is $257,404. The mission of the Herkimer County Department of Social Services is to ensure the provision of temporary financial assistance and services necessary to sustain dependent and disabled persons and to assist recipients in achieving the greatest degree of independence possible.

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm,
DSS Lobby opens at 8:30am

From Memorial Day to Labor Day (summer hours)
Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4p

Frequently Called Numbers

Programs View all Programs

Adoption Services

Program Overview: Services range from assessing a child to securing an adoptive home, to assisting p…

Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services is a service provided to individuals who are: 18 years of age or old…

Alternatives in Long Term Care Program

The Alternatives in Long Term Care Program provides a central access point to long term home care se…

Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

Program Overview: The Child Care Assistance program is an income-based reimbursement program for …

Child Protective Services

Program Overview: Each county in New York State has a Child Protective Services (CPS) Unit, which…

Child Support Services

Program Overview: The Child Support program provides custodial parents with assistance in obtaini…

Employment Assistance

Program Overview: The goal of the Employment Unit is to help applicants and recipients of Tempora…

Foster Care

Program Description Foster Care is provided to children under the age of 18 who are in need of an…

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

In an effort to help income eligible individuals cope with higher fuel bills of winter, NYS particip…

Indigent Burials

Program Description: The Commissioner of Social Services is responsible for the burial of any Her…

Managed Care

Program Overview: Herkimer County currently has a mandated Medicaid Managed Care program through …


Medical Assistance Program Overview: Medical Assistance is help for people who cannot pay for …

Person in Need of Supervision (PINS) Diversion Program

Description: The Family Support PINS Diversion Program began in February 2003 and is the point of…

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Description: SNAP, a program of the US Department of Agriculture, is provided to insure that the …

Temporary Assistance

Description: Temporary Assistance is temporary help for needy adults and children. If an applican…



As of August 4, 2020, Herkimer County now has a new, free mobile application (app) available to county residents that enables them to submit necessary documents. NYDocSubmit is a mobile app that provides individuals who have applied for, or are receiving Department of Social Services (DSS) benefits, the ability to simply and quickly submit documentation to the DSS. This mobile app is available for download on Google Play™ or the Apple App Store™ and can be used to take photos of documents and upload them to Herkimer County DSS. During this time of COVID-19 restrictions, having the ability to submit the necessary documentation from the comfort and safety of home is essential to continue supporting families in our county.

COVID-19 has impacted the employment and income of many county residents. Anyone in receipt of SNAP whose employment has been affected, either because they are currently unemployed or are experiencing a decrease in hours worked, should report these to changes to Herkimer County DSS as soon as possible as it may affect their SNAP benefit amount. A convenient way to report this information is to complete and submit an online SNAP change report form ( If you are now in receipt of unemployment, you can submit proof of this and other documentation using NYDocSubmit.

Over 5,000 applicants/recipients have successfully submitted more than 17,000 documents since the NYDocSubmit mobile app was released.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions

Need To Know

Frequently Called Numbers

Adoption Services 315-867-1216
Adult Protection Services 315-867-1543
Alternatives in Long Term Care 315-867-1322
Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-342-3720
Child & Adult Service 315-867-1240
Child Support Helpline 1-888-208-4485
Day Care 315-867-1233
Employment 315-867-1529
Foster Care 315-867-1216
HEAP/DSS 315-867-1220
Information/Main Number 315-867-1291
Medical Assistance/Medicaid 315-867-1239
Public Assistance 315-867-1641
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP) 315-867-1641
Temporary Assistance 315-867-1239

Frequently Asked Questions

Q Who should I contact if I am having difficulties using the NYDocSubmit (App)?

A Please contact the ITS Service Desk via phone at 844-891-1786, email at, or visit PLEASE NOTE: Do not include a copy of your document or provide private, confidential details included in your document(s). This information is not required to get help with the App.

Q Can I use NYDocSubmit (App) to request help with an emergency situation, such as a utility shut-off, running out of heating fuel, or an eviction?

A No. This App is NOT monitored for emergencies. You MUST call or visit your local social services district office if you are requesting help with an emergency situation.

Q What kind of documents can I upload through NYDocSubmit (App)?

A The App may be used to send pictures of documents that include information requested by or to report a change to the local social services district (district) for Temporary Assistance (TA), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Home Energy Assistance (HEAP) and Medicaid. You may use the App to send pictures of documents for proof of Age/Identity, Citizenship or Current Alien Status, Income, Medical Documentation, who lives in your household, Residence, Resources, Shelter/Utility Expenses, Social Security Number (SSN) or proof that someone has applied for a SSN or Other (See #8 below). You can also use the App to submit documents related to a change in your household circumstances that you must report to the district.

Q Are there documents that I should NOT upload through NYDocSubmit (App)?

A Yes. You should NOT use the App to submit documents for:

  • Emergency situations (for example, utility shut-off, running out of heating fuel or an eviction).
  • Documents containing sensitive information, such as HIV status, domestic violence information, or confidential addresses. These documents should be submitted to your local social services district via postal mail, fax or in person.
  • Any program not listed in the response to question #3 above.
  • Initial applications or recertification applications for ANY benefits program or to submit a periodic report. You may visit to apply online for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) or to check if you may be able to get help from multiple human services programs. Contact your district for information on how to file an application for TA, SNAP, HEAP or Medicaid.

Q Do I have to log into every time I use NYDocSubmit (App)?

A Yes. A ID is required to use the App. If you do not have a ID, a new ID can be created at You can also use this link to request help to reset your password.

Q Can I use the NYDocSubmit (App) if my local social services district (district) is not listed in the App?

A No. The App can only be used in the participating districts listed in the App.

Q Can I upload information for another person using NYDocSubmit (App)?

A Yes. You can upload pictures of documents for other household members as well as individuals living outside your household. After signing into the App and selecting the social services district for the individual associated with the documents that are being submittedyou should review and update the name, if necessary. Next, enter the individual’s identifying information (for example, case number, SSN) and upload the picture of the document. PLEASE NOTE: Certain information (for example, document category selected, date and time of upload and tracking number) for each document uploaded through the App will appear on the History screen of the person who logged in for 60 days from the date that the document is uploaded. This is the case regardless of whether the document is for that individual, a household member or another person who asked the individual to send a picture of a document to a district for them.

Q Which Document Category should I select?

A Please see information provided below for examples of documents by document category. This is not a complete list of document examples. If you have additional questions, please contact your local social services district office for assistance.

Document Category - Document Examples

Age/Identity - Photo ID, birth certificate, U.S. passport, adoption records, hospital records

Citizenship or Current Alien Status - Birth certificate, hospital records, U.S. passport, military service records, naturalization certificate, USCIS documentation, evidence of continuous U.S. residence since prior to 01/01/72

Income - Current wage stubs, pay envelopes, income tax records, current benefit check, current award letter, official correspondence from the source of income

Medical Documentation - Copies of medical bills, health insurance policy, insurance card, Medicare card. Note: Do not submit documents with sensitive information through NYDocSubmit (see #4 for additional information).

Proof of Who Lives in Your Household - Statement from the non-relative landlord, school records, statements from other persons

Residence - Statement from the landlord, current rent receipt, current lease, mortgage records

Resources - Bank records, stock certificate, income tax refund, burial or funeral agreement, vehicle registration or title of ownership, life insurance policy, a statement from the source of payment

Shelter/Utility Expenses - Current rent receipt, current lease, mortgage records, sewer and water bills, fuel bills, non-heating utility bills

Social Security Number/Proof of SSN Application - Social Security Card, official correspondence from the Social Security Administration

Other - Any other information requested by the social services district that does not fall into one of the document categories listed above.

Q Can I upload a picture of a document from the picture gallery from my phone or mobile device? Can I use NYDocSubmit (App) to upload an electronic file, such as a PDF, from my computer?

A No. The App cannot access your device’s photo gallery or other storage areas. You must use the App to take a picture of the document you wish to upload to your local social services district.

Q Will NYDocSubmit (App) take a picture of the front and back of a document at the same time or do I need to take a picture of each side and upload?

A No. You must take a picture of the front of the document and then a separate picture of the back of the document (and any additional pages for the same document) and then upload all of the pictures for that document. Remember, only one document must be uploaded at a time.

Q Can I upload more than one document at a time with NYDocSubmit (App)?

A No. You should only upload one document at a time. If you need to upload multiple documents for different document categories, different individuals, or different case numbers, each of those documents must be uploaded separately. The App will provide a prompt “would you like to submit another document” after you upload a document, which will allow you to start the process to submit the next document, if needed.

Q Will I be sent a receipt for the documents that I submit through the NYDocSubmit (App)?

A No. A receipt will not be sent. A confirmation page will appear in the App if the picture of the document was uploaded successfully. This confirmation page will include the name for whom the document was submitted, the document category selected, the date and time of the upload, and a tracking number. Please keep this information for your records. You may do so by taking a screenshot of the confirmation page or by writing down the information contained in the screen.

Q Why should I keep the NYDocSubmit (App) tracking number that appears after I submit a picture of a document?

A The tracking number provides proof that a picture of a document was uploaded, and may also be used by the local social services district to locate a document submitted through the App. It is important to keep this tracking number for your records regarding your case.

Q What should I do if I realize that I submitted document(s) to the wrong local social services district (district)?

A Please use the NYDocSubmit (App) to take a new photo of the document and send that picture to the correct district.

Q What should I do if I realize that I submitted the wrong document(s)?

A Please use the NYDocSubmit App to take a new photo of the correct document and send that picture to your local social services district.

Q What should I do if I realize that I made a mistake in the identifying information when submitting pictures of documents to the local social services district (district)?

A If your district has any questions or concerns regarding your submission, they may contact you. You may also contact the district directly to discuss the situation with them.


Department: Social Services

Document Download
Food Survey Download
NYDocSubmit FAQs Download
NYDocSubmit Quick Reference Download
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Statistics: December 2024 Download
Statistics: November 2024 Download
Statistics: October 2024 Download
Statistics: September 2024 Download
Statistics: August 2024 Download
Statistics: July 2024 Download
Statistics: June 2024 Download
Statistics: May 2024 Download
Statistics: April 2024 Download
Statistics: March 2024 Download
Statistics: February 2024 Download
Statistics: January 2024 Download
Herkimer County 2022 Risk Assessment Profile Download
Herkimer County 2022 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Download