A Please see information provided below for examples of documents by document category. This is not a complete list of document examples. If you have additional questions, please contact your local social services district office for assistance.
Document Category - Document Examples
Age/Identity - Photo ID, birth certificate, U.S. passport, adoption records, hospital records
Citizenship or Current Alien Status - Birth certificate, hospital records, U.S. passport, military service records, naturalization certificate, USCIS documentation, evidence of continuous U.S. residence since prior to 01/01/72
Income - Current wage stubs, pay envelopes, income tax records, current benefit check, current award letter, official correspondence from the source of income
Medical Documentation - Copies of medical bills, health insurance policy, insurance card, Medicare card. Note: Do not submit documents with sensitive information through NYDocSubmit (see #4 for additional information).
Proof of Who Lives in Your Household - Statement from the non-relative landlord, school records, statements from other persons
Residence - Statement from the landlord, current rent receipt, current lease, mortgage records
Resources - Bank records, stock certificate, income tax refund, burial or funeral agreement, vehicle registration or title of ownership, life insurance policy, a statement from the source of payment
Shelter/Utility Expenses - Current rent receipt, current lease, mortgage records, sewer and water bills, fuel bills, non-heating utility bills
Social Security Number/Proof of SSN Application - Social Security Card, official correspondence from the Social Security Administration
Other - Any other information requested by the social services district that does not fall into one of the document categories listed above.