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Different jobs have different requirements.
Some jobs require that you take an exam to be considered for a permanent job.
These are called COMPETITIVE positions.
There are three types of positions that have no exam requirements:
EXEMPT positions are those where the employer decides the qualifications of applicants and chooses the person they want to hire. The process is similar to that found in private industry.
NON-COMPETITIVE positions have specific education and experience requirements that you must meet. Employers choose from among the qualified people who apply.
LABOR positions have no requirements. Employers may choose anyone for these jobs.
Most of the positions in Herkimer County departments, towns, villages, school districts, City of Little Falls, Herkimer County Community College (except education positions) are filled by one of the above criteria.
If you are interested in a tested or a non-tested position, you must complete the same application, available here from our website or our office at the address above.
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Hours of Operation:
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Memorial Day to Labor Day (summer hours):
Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Civil Service Examinations
Only money orders or exact cash if filing in person will be accepted as payment for filing applications for civil service exams. Personal checks will NOT be accepted.
Application Fee Information UPDATED 11/01/2011
NON-REFUNDABLE filing fee must accompany each application for examination. Applicants whose application form is not accompanied by the appropriate fee will NOT be considered as candidates.
Effective immediately, only money orders made payable to HERKIMER COUNTY PERSONNEL or exact cash, if filing in person, will be accepted as payment.
The exam number and candidate's social security number should be written on each money order.
The fee is non-refundable in the event of disqualification or a candidate's failure to appear for a scheduled exam. It is, therefore, advisable for candidates to carefully compare qualifications with the requirements for admission to an examination.
Exam Fee Schedule
$25.00 each for uniformed protective service exams (police, fire, corrections)
$15.00 each for all other exams
Refer to examination announcements.
Application Fee Waiver
A waiver of application fee will be allowed if you are unemployed and primarily responsible for the support of a household. In addition, a waiver of application fee will be allowed if you are determined eligible for Medicaid, or receiving Supplemental Security Income payments or Public Assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Family Assistance or Safety Net Assistance) or are certified Job Training Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act eligible through a State or local social service agency.
All claims for application fee waiver are subject to verification. If you can verify eligibility for application fee waiver, complete an "Application Fee Waiver Request and Certification Form" and SUBMIT IT WITH YOUR APPLICATION by the close of business on the Application Deadline as listed on the Examination Announcement.
The form is available on our website or in our office.
Test Guides and Resource Booklets
Test Guides published by the New York State Department of Civil Service are usually targeted to specific, entry-level titles. Test Guides are not provided for every examination. If a Test Guide is provided for an examination, information about the guide will appear on the examination announcement. Test Guides are designed to familiarize candidates with the format of the test. Test Guides provide a description of the subject areas that will be tested and present samples of the types of test material that will appear on the test. The sample test material is similar to what the candidates will see on the actual test. If sample questions are provided, the solution and correct answer will be provided after each sample question. Candidates should pay close attention to the "Subjects of Examination" listed on the examination announcement for information on the test type and content of the examination. Candidates should focus their examination preparation upon the information given in the examination announcement.
"How to Take a Written Test", "Questions and Answers About Municipal Civil Service Examinations", and Test Guides are available on and can be fully downloaded from the New York State Department of Civil Service's web site at https://www.cs.ny.gov/testing/testguides.cfm.
NOTE: Test Guides are made available to the public on the State web page 60 days prior to the date of the written test. If an examination announcement references the web page and the test guide you are looking for is not yet listed, please check back again.