2022 Risk Assessment Profile
The Herkimer County Risk Assessment Profile is accomplished through a true collaboration between many people and agencies. As local “experts” in their fields, a diverse group of stakeholders from the areas of government, healthcare, education, and human services contributed data and narratives for the Risk Profile. The data is collected to provide a convenient snapshot of the levels of risk existing in multiple domains; all of which have an affect on the residents of our community. A format for presenting the information in the most useful and usable way was established with the first publication in 2000, and continues with this document.
The information and data are separated into the following domains:
- Community – this section includes the history and demographics of Herkimer County, population statistics by age and community, older adults, housing, transportation, employment & industry, quality of life, youth development & adult employment assistance, childcare, and information & referral.
- Citizenship – this section covers voting statistics, engaged & informed citizens, youth citizenship, firearms, youth arrests, crime rates, adult arrests & convictions, DWI information, Probation and Correctional Alternatives, juvenile delinquency, Persons in Need of Supervision (PINS), and incarceration.
- Family – this section includes information and data on household composition, family management, housing, family conflict, and parental attitudes & family norms.
- Economic Security – this section includes statistics and information related to income and employment, poverty (extreme economic deprivation), economic assistance for basic needs, and health care coverage & assistance.
- Physical and Emotional Health – the Herkimer County Community Health Needs Assessment done by Herkimer County Public Health can be found here, as well as information on the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health and substance use & misuse, and suicide & self-inflicted injury.
- Education – this section includes information on Pre-K to grade 12 demographics and environment, academic proficiency for grades 3–8 ELA/Math and grades 4–8 Science, Regents proficiency, graduation rates and career & college readiness, youth perceptions of school, and continuing education (community college)
The Risk Profile is used within the county government structure to determine the priority need areas that will be the main focus for improvement in the upcoming years. This document helps guide decision making and planning for services as we strive to improve the lives of our residents.
Pictures of local landmarks and scenery have been used in the Risk Profile documents for years; this document displays pictures that represent both the beauty of our communities and our rich history, dating back to the 18th century. It wasn’t possible to include every picture worthy of publication, but this will give readers a snapshot of the beauty and history surrounding us every day.