2024 Sample Ballots & Ballot Proposals
City Of Little Falls Ward 1 City Of Little Falls Ward 2 City Of Little Falls Ward 3 City O…
City Of Little Falls Ward 1 City Of Little Falls Ward 2 City Of Little Falls Ward 3 City O…
Program Overview: Services range from assessing a child to securing an adoptive home, to assisting p…
Herkimer County Public Health’s Immunization Program supports county residents with access to afford…
Adult Protective Services is a service provided to individuals who are: 18 years of age or old…
2020 the Herkimer County Office for the Aging was awarded a grant from the New York State Office for…
The Alternatives in Long Term Care Program provides a central access point to long term home care se…
The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, suppor…
The State of New York has criminalized the cruel treatment of animals. However, animal abuse and cru…
Each year the Advisory Council of the Office for the Aging awards 2 awards to Herkimer County senior…
View assessors’ addresses, hours, phone numbers, email addresses, and websites. …
This is a program designed to assist caregivers. A caregiver is a family member(s) or another indivi…
Program Overview: The Child Care Assistance program is an income-based reimbursement program for …
Child Find is a program that seeks to help parents of children 0–3 years old, with potential risk fo…
Program Overview: Each county in New York State has a Child Protective Services (CPS) Unit, which…
Program Overview: The Child Support program provides custodial parents with assistance in obtaini…
The Civil Division is responsible for the service and execution of all civil process in Herkimer Cou…
The investigation of reported communicable diseases and prevention of outbreaks are among the highes…
Address: 711 Middleville Rd., Herkimer, NY 13350 Telephone: (315) 867-1252 About Us Our new…
County Highway Right of Way Maps & Records are available by contacting the Engineering Departmen…
Dental health education services are provided to some Herkimer County children at Pre-K, kindergarte…
The objectives of Public Health Preparedness are to plan, prepare, and respond to biological, chemic…
According to Medicare discharge planning is "A process used to decide what a patient needs for a smo…
The Doula Partnership of Herkimer, Cayuga, Cortland, and Madison counties has been established to pr…
Program Overview: The goal of the Employment Unit is to help applicants and recipients of Tempora…
Program Description Foster Care is provided to children under the age of 18 who are in need of an…
If you are in need of health insurance information, counseling, and assistance, the Office for the A…
See below for additional information and resources which do not fall under our specific programs at …
A free, voluntary, evidence-based, in-home support program designed to help families raise happy, he…
Herkimer County welcomes your newborn to our community! You will receive a welcome letter highlighti…
New York State Department of Health—Environmental Unit Contact information for food permits…
Threat Assessment Management is a proactive, prevention based approach for recognizing, evaluating, …
In an effort to help income eligible individuals cope with higher fuel bills of winter, NYS particip…
Program Description: The Commissioner of Social Services is responsible for the burial of any Her…
Job Pool Program The Job Pool Registry is a registry of names of area people interested in workin…
The Lead Poisoning Prevention program aims to enhance the safety of community residents who are at g…
Program Overview: Herkimer County currently has a mandated Medicaid Managed Care program through …
Medical Assistance Program Overview: Medical Assistance is help for people who cannot pay for …
Meals-on-Wheels, Congregate Meals, Nutrition Education, Nutrition Counseling & Farmer Market Cou…
People of all ages, from infants to seniors, may need long-term care. NY Connects is available to as…
We have teamed up with GetSetUp to provide hundreds of live online classes to keep you mentally, phy…
Driveway Construction Permit Costs: $0.00 Approximate Time from Application to Issue: Within 2…
Description: The Family Support PINS Diversion Program began in February 2003 and is the point of…
Recertification of a NYS Pistol Permit is done through the New York State Pistol Permit Bureau not t…
Herkimer County is fiscally responsible for the administration of preschool programs for 3-5 year ol…
The Early Intervention Program is a family-centered, statewide program that identifies, locates, ref…
Herkimer County Public Health is responsible for rabies prevention and treatment to County residents…
Address: 109 Mary Street, Suite 1111 Herkimer, NY 13350-1998 RULES AND CONDITIONS Cardhol…
The complete Petition Packet can be found below. If you have any questions, please contact the Board…
Description: SNAP, a program of the US Department of Agriculture, is provided to insure that the …
Description: Temporary Assistance is temporary help for needy adults and children. If an applican…
We provide transportation to Herkimer County senior citizens who are age 60 or older. If the senior …
Electronic Fillable Forms to Submit Online Program Questions and Answers Form DWI Victim Imp…