Foster Care
Program Description
Foster Care is provided to children under the age of 18 who are in need of an alternate living arrangement. Placement may be the result of a judicial determination or voluntary request of the parent or legal guardian. While in care, the child and family are provided supportive and rehabilitative services designed to minimize the time the child is out of his/her own home. The Foster Care Program staff also recruits, evaluates and recommends the certification of new foster homes. Also, for anyone interested in becoming a foster parent, please contact Robine Snow at (315) 867-1545. Foster Parent Certification Training is available.
Eligibility Criteria: Families who have children in Foster Care placement.
Referral Procedures: Court Order
Client Fees: None
Regarding the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of December 2015, Kelly Alexander, Supervisor of Services, will be the point of contact at Herkimer County DSS. Kelly’s phone number is (315) 867-1216 and her email address is